1. Github Description: 2. Org (Organization) Description: Example: 3. Team Description: Example: 4. Auth (Authentication) Description: Examples: OAuth Authentication: Personal…
Git Log Explanation Explanation of Each Part 1. Commit Hash 2. References (Branches and Tags) 3. Commit Message Simplified Breakdown…
Merge and Pull in Git Merge Merge is a command used to combine the changes from one branch into another….
Local and Remote Branches in Git Local Branch A local branch is a branch that exists in your local Git…
Undoing changes in Git can be approached in several ways, depending on what you need to achieve. Here, we’ll cover…
Understanding Git Concepts 1. Git Branching and Merging Branching allows you to create a separate line of development. It’s useful…
Git and GitHub: Step-by-Step Guide Let’s explore how to interact with Git and GitHub, focusing on pushing, pulling, and cloning…
Pushing Existing Code to GitHub using HTTPS Prerequisites: Run below command It will ask for personal token to connect to…
What is GitHub? GitHub is a web-based platform that uses Git for version control and offers features to facilitate collaboration…
1. Switching Branches Scenario: You have multiple branches in your repository, and you want to switch from the current branch…
Understanding the Git Workflow: The Git workflow typically involves three main areas: Workspace, Staging Area (Stage), and Repository (Repo). The…
Git Log Command: git log Purpose: The git log command displays a list of commits in your repository, showing information…
1. Create a Repository (repo) A repository is a storage location where your project files and their version history are…
What is Git Bash? Git Bash is a command-line interface that emulates a bash shell environment on Windows. It comes…
What is Git? What is Git? Git is a version control tool used to manage and track changes in source…