Understanding Git Concepts
1. Git Branching and Merging
Branching allows you to create a separate line of development. It’s useful for working on different features or fixes independently.
Merging is the process of integrating changes from different branches.
# Create a new branch named 'feature-branch'
git checkout -b feature-branch
# Work on the feature, then commit changes
git commit -m "Added new feature"
# Switch back to master branch
git checkout master
# Merge changes from 'feature-branch' into 'master'
git merge feature-branch
2. Conflict Resolution (conf res)
Conflicts occur when changes from different branches clash. Git needs help to decide which changes to keep.
# When merging, if there's a conflict, Git will show the conflicting files
git merge feature-branch
# Open the file and manually resolve the conflict, then add the resolved file
git add conflicted-file.txt
# Complete the merge
git commit -m "Resolved merge conflict"
3. Cherry Picking
Cherry picking allows you to apply a specific commit from one branch onto another.
# Identify the commit hash you want to cherry-pick (e.g., abc1234)
git checkout master
git cherry-pick abc1234
4. Stash
Stashing allows you to temporarily save changes without committing them.
Stashing is useful for saving your work in progress without committing it. This is helpful when you need to switch branches without committing incomplete changes.
# Save current changes
git stash
# Work on something else, then retrieve the stashed changes
git stash apply
git stash list
5. Tag
Tags are used to mark specific points in history as important, typically used for releases.
Tags are used to mark specific points in the repository’s history. This is commonly used to mark release points.
# Create a new tag named 'v1.0'
git tag v1.0
# Push tags to the remote repository
git push origin --tags
6. .gitignore
The .gitignore file specifies which files and directories to ignore in a Git repository.
The .gitignore
file specifies intentionally untracked files that Git should ignore. This is useful for excluding files like build artifacts and temporary files.
Example: Create a .gitignore
# Ignore all .log files
# Ignore the node_modules directory
7. Git Pull (pull = fetch + merge)
Pulling combines fetching changes from a remote repository and merging them into your current branch.
# Fetch changes from the remote repository and merge them into the current branch
git pull origin master
8. Concept of HEAD
HEAD is a pointer that refers to the latest commit in the current branch. It’s essentially a reference to where you are in your Git history.
- If you are on the
points to the latest commit onmaster
Command to see HEAD:
git log -1
9. Git Undoing
Git provides several commands to undo changes:
- Revert a commit:
git revert <commit-hash>
This creates a new commit that undoes the changes of a previous commit.
Reset changes:
git reset --hard <commit-hash>
This resets your current branch to the specified commit, discarding all changes after that commit.
Remove a file from staging:
git reset HEAD <file>
Discard local changes:
git checkout -- <file>
Explanation of Commit Line
To further explain 61c4cfc (origin/master, origin/HEAD) adding other user
- Commit Hash:
- A unique identifier for this commit.
- Branch and Remote References:
: This commit is the latest on themaster
branch of the remote repository namedorigin
: This commit is also theHEAD
of the remote repository, indicating the latest commit on the default branch.
- Commit Message:
adding other user
- Describes the changes made in this commit.
This commit signifies that the changes described (adding another user) are the latest in the remote repository’s master
These concepts form the basics of working with Git, allowing you to manage your codebase effectively:
- Branching and Merging for independent development and integration.
- Conflict Resolution for handling merge conflicts.
- Cherry Picking for applying specific commits.
- Stash for temporary storage of changes.
- Tags for marking important points.
- .gitignore for ignoring specific files.
- Pull for fetching and merging remote changes.
- Concept of HEAD:
- Pointer to the latest commit in the current branch.
- Git Undoing:
- Reverting commits:
git revert <commit-hash>
- Resetting commits:
git reset --hard <commit-hash>
- Removing files from staging:
git reset HEAD <file>
- Discarding local changes:
git checkout -- <file>
- Reverting commits:
- Git Branching and Merging:
- Creating branches:
git branch new-feature
- Switching branches:
git checkout new-feature
- Merging branches:
git merge new-feature
- Creating branches:
- Cherry Picking:
- Applying specific commits to another branch:
git cherry-pick <commit-hash>
- Applying specific commits to another branch:
- Stash:
- Stashing changes:
git stash
- Listing stashes:
git stash list
- Applying stashes:
git stash apply
- Stashing changes:
- Tag:
- Creating tags:
git tag v1.0
- Pushing tags:
git push origin --tags
- Creating tags:
- .gitignore:
- Ignoring files and directories.
Live Practical Examples:
26 git add file1.java
27 git config user.name "Jami Raj"
28 git config user.email "jami.cotocus@gmail.com"
29 git config --list
31 git commit -m"Adding first commit"
35 git show
36 git show ba9fae72620636a02321a558cc71836bad99ca0f
39 git status
40 git add file2.java
45 git status
46 git commit -m"file1" file1.java
47 git status
48 git commit -m"all"
49 git status
53 git checkout ba9fae72620636a02321a558cc71836bad99ca0f
55 git log
56 git status
57 git checkout 3d0f84561e39cdfc6724c77b2b153e245dc6bf22
59 git checkout 3d0f84561e39cdfc6724c77b2b153e245dc6bf22
61 git checkout master
65 git push https://github.com/AzureDevops-demoproject/Git_demo.git master
66 git clone https://github.com/AzureDevops-demoproject/Git_demo.git
68 cd Git_demo/
69 ls
70 mkdir file3
71 git add
72 git add .
73 git commit -m"all"
78 touch file3
79 git status
80 git config user.name :"RAj"
81 git config user.email "usus@gmail.com"
82 git add
83 git add --all
84 git status
85 git commit -m"adding other user"
86 git status
87 git log
88 git push origin master
93 git remote add origin https://github.com/AzureDevops-demoproject/Git_demo.git
94 git pull origin master
97 git show head
98 git log --oneline
99 touch file5
100 git clean -f -d
101 touch file5
102 git status
103 git clean -f -d
104 touch file5
105 git add file5
106 git status
107 git reset file5
108 git status
109 touch good;git add --all;git commit -m"good"
110 ls
111 git status
112 touch bad;git add --all;git commit -m"good"
113 git status
114 ls
115 git log --oneline
116 touch bad;git add --all;git commit -m"bad"
117 git log --oneline
118 ls
119 ls
120 cd Git_demo/
121 ls
122 touch good.txt ;git add --all;git commit -m"good"
123 touch bad.txt ;git add --all;git commit -m"bad"
124 git log --oneline
125 git diff cd9fc7b 2c8439c
126 git revert 2c8439c
127 git log --oneline
128 history
129 git branch -a
130 git branch fea1
131 git branch -a
132 git checkout fea1
133 git branch -a
134 touch file9.txt ;git add --all;git commit -m"file9"
135 touch file10.txt ;git add --all;git commit -m"file10"
136 git log --oneline
137 git checkout master
138 git merge fea1
139 ls
140 git merge fea1
141 git checkout fea1
142 touch cheery.txt ;git add --all;git commit -m"cherry"
143 touch cheery2.txt ;git add --all;git commit -m"cherry2"
144 git log --oneline
145 git checkout master
146 ls
147 git cherry-pick be4435a
148 ls
149 touch aa1.txt
150 touch aa2.txt
151 git add .
152 git status
153 git stash
154 git status
155 git stash list
156 git stash apply stash@{0}
157 git status
158 git tag --list
159 git log
160 git tag rel1.0
161 git tag --list
162 git show rel1.0
163 git checkout rel1.0
164 ls
165 git push origin rel1.0
166 git branch ramukaka
167 git checkout ramukaka
168 git add .
169 git status
170 git commit -m"ramukka"
171 git status
172 ls
173 git branch
174 git log
175 git log --oneline
176 history
177 ls
178 git log --oneline
179 git checkout rel1.0
180 ls
181 git checkout master
182 ls
183 git log --oneline
184 git checkout 61c4cfc
185 ls
186 git checkout ramukaka
187 git merge ramukaka
188 ls
189 git checkout rel1.0
190 ls
191 git merge ramukaka
192 ls
193 git log --oneline
194 git checkout rel1.0
195 ls
196 git merge rel1.0
197 git merge ramukaka
198 ls
199 git merge rel1.0
200 ls
201 git log --oneline
202 ls
203 git checkout master
204 ls
205 git merge ramukaka
206 ls
207 git checkout rel1.0
208 ls
209 git checkout master
210 git tag reli2.0
211 git checkout reli2.0
212 ls
213 git push origin reli2.0
214 ls
215 git log --oneline
216 git branch test
217 ls
218 git checkout test
219 ls
220 git checkout cherry2
221 git branch
222 git checkout ramukaka
223 ls
224 git checkout fea1
225 ls
226 git branch
227 git branch test2
228 ls
229 history
230 git branch
231 git checkout test2
232 ls
233 mkdir merge.txt
234 ls
235 git status
236 git status
237 rm -f merge.txt/
238 rm -rf merge.txt/
239 ls
240 touch merge.text
241 git status
242 git log --oneline
243 git add .
244 git log
245 git status
246 git commit -m"merge example"
247 git status
249 git branch test
250 git checkout test
252 git merge test2
254 git merge test2
255 git tag merge1.0
256 git log --oneline
257 git push origin test
259 git checkout merge1.0
261 git push origin merge1.0
262 git log --oneline