
Error Code: 18456 – Login Failed for User

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Error 18456 is a common error encountered in SQL Server, including Azure SQL Database, which indicates that a login attempt has failed due to invalid authentication credentials or insufficient access permissions.


Error Code18456
Error MessageLogin failed for user ‘UserName’. Reason: <specific reason> [CLIENT: <IP address>]
BackgroundThe error indicates a failed login attempt in Azure SQL Database.
Common Causes1. Incorrect username or password.
2. Authentication mode mismatch.
3. User does not exist.
4. Insufficient permissions.
5. Account locked.
6. Expired password.
7. Firewall restrictions.
8. Database unavailable.
Reason Codes1 = Account disabled
2 = User ID not valid
5 = No permission to access database
7 = Login disabled
8 = Incorrect password
11 = Valid login, access denied
Workarounds1. Reset the password via Azure Portal
2. Check and adjust user permissions
3. Add client IP to firewall rules
4. Verify database state (online/offline)
Solutions1. Use SQL Authentication
2. Grant proper user permissions
3. Reset expired password
4. Add correct firewall rules for the client IP
Example Actions– Resetting password in Azure Portal
– Checking authentication mode (SQL Auth required)
– Ensuring client IP is allowed in firewall settings
Database Connection ExampleEnsure the connection string uses SQL Authentication:
Server=tcp:yourserver.database.windows.net,1433;Initial Catalog=yourdb;User ID=yourusername;Password=yourpassword;Encrypt=True;
T-SQL to View LogsEXEC xp_readerrorlog 0, 1, '18456';

Error Explanation

This error occurs when the database server rejects a login request due to incorrect login credentials (username/password) or when the server does not trust the login method (e.g., Windows authentication when SQL authentication is required). The error message typically includes the severity level and a reason code that provides more details about the failure.

Common Causes

  1. Incorrect Username or Password: The login credentials are not correct.
  2. Authentication Mode: The server is set to use SQL Authentication, but a Windows login is attempted (or vice versa).
  3. User Does Not Exist: The user attempting to log in has not been created on the server.
  4. Permissions: The user does not have sufficient permissions to access the database or the server.
  5. Account Locked: The login account is locked due to too many failed login attempts.
  6. Expired Password: The password has expired and needs to be reset.
  7. Firewall Restrictions: The login request is blocked by the server’s firewall settings.
  8. Database State: The target database is unavailable (offline or deleted).

Error Message

The error message typically looks like this:

Login failed for user 'UserName'. Reason: <specific reason> [CLIENT: <IP address>]

Detailed Steps to Troubleshoot and Resolve Error Code 18456

1. Identifying the Error Reason

  • First, check the SQL Server error logs for more details. The error message in the logs will typically provide a “reason” that can help diagnose the cause.

For example:

Login failed for user 'UserName'. Reason: Password did not match that for the login provided. [CLIENT: <IP address>]

You can also query the error log via T-SQL:

EXEC xp_readerrorlog 0, 1, '18456'

2. Check the Login Credentials

  • Ensure that the username and password you are using are correct.
  • In the Azure Portal, navigate to your SQL Server instance and reset the password for the login user if you’re unsure about the password.


  • If the login is admin_user, make sure the password matches the one configured in Azure SQL.

To reset the password in the Azure Portal:

  1. Go to Azure Portal.
  2. Navigate to your SQL Server instance.
  3. Click on Settings > SQL database > Set Admin Password.
  4. Reset the password for the SQL login.

3. Check Authentication Mode

Azure SQL Database only supports SQL Authentication, so ensure that you are not trying to log in using Windows Authentication (as you would in an on-premise SQL Server setup).

  • To ensure you’re using SQL Authentication, when logging in through SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio), select SQL Server Authentication and input the correct username and password.

4. Verify User Existence and Permissions

Ensure that the user exists on the Azure SQL server and has been granted permissions to the database.

  • Check whether the user exists:
SELECT name FROM sys.sql_logins WHERE name = 'YourUserName';
  • Ensure the user has the necessary permissions:
USE YourDatabase;
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_datareader', 'YourUserName';
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_datawriter', 'YourUserName';

5. Unlock the User Account

If the account is locked due to too many failed login attempts, you need to unlock the account. In Azure SQL Database, you might have to reset the user password via the Azure Portal since there’s no direct T-SQL command for unlocking users.

6. Check Firewall Settings

Ensure that your IP address is allowed through the Azure SQL firewall settings.

  • Navigate to the Azure Portal.
  • Select your SQL Server.
  • Click on Firewalls and virtual networks.
  • Ensure your client’s IP address is listed in the Allowed IP addresses.


To allow all IP addresses (for troubleshooting, not recommended in production):

  1. Go to Azure Portal.
  2. Select your SQL Server.
  3. Click on Firewalls and virtual networks.
  4. Add – to allow all IPs.

7. Check for Expired Passwords

If the password for the SQL login has expired, reset the password in the Azure Portal. The steps are the same as in step 2 above.

8. Check Database State

Verify that the database you’re trying to connect to is online. If the database is offline or deleted, you will not be able to log in.

  • You can check the status of your databases:
SELECT name, state_desc FROM sys.databases;

If the database is offline, contact your database administrator or restore it from a backup.

9. Review Other Error Details (Reason Codes)

Each login failure typically has a reason code that explains the issue in more detail. Some common reason codes are:

  • Reason: 1: Account is disabled.
  • Reason: 2: User ID is not valid.
  • Reason: 5: User does not have permission to access the database.
  • Reason: 7: The login is disabled and cannot be used.
  • Reason: 8: Incorrect password.
  • Reason: 11: Valid login, but access denied.

Example Reason Code Handling:

If you receive Reason: 8 (Incorrect password):

  1. Verify the password you are using.
  2. If unsure, reset the password via the Azure Portal.
  3. Ensure you are connecting with SQL Server Authentication.


  • If the user is locked out or the password has expired, reset the password in the Azure Portal.
  • For firewall issues, add the client IP to the SQL Server’s firewall rules.
  • For permission issues, verify the user’s role and permissions for the database.


  1. Reset Password: Reset the password via the Azure Portal if forgotten or expired.
  2. Adjust Permissions: Assign the correct permissions for the user to access the database.
  3. Check Firewall Rules: Ensure that the client IP is allowed in the Azure SQL Server firewall settings.
  4. Use SQL Authentication: Ensure you are using SQL Server Authentication (Windows Authentication is not supported in Azure SQL).

Example Login Code in C#:

If you’re connecting from an application, ensure you’re using SQL Authentication:

string connectionString = "Server=tcp:yourserver.database.windows.net,1433;" +
                          "Initial Catalog=yourdb;Persist Security Info=False;" +
                          "User ID=yourusername;Password=yourpassword;" +
                          "MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;" +
                          "TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;";

In this example:

  • yourserver.database.windows.net is your server.
  • yourusername and yourpassword are your SQL login credentials.


Error 18456 typically indicates authentication issues, such as incorrect credentials, permission problems, or login method mismatches. Troubleshooting involves checking login credentials, user permissions, firewall settings, and the database state. The resolution depends on the specific reason code accompanying the error, but often involves resetting passwords, granting appropriate access, and ensuring correct server settings.

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