Ansible Terminology

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Here are simplified one-line explanations for key Ansible terminology:

  1. Ansible: An automation tool for IT tasks.
  2. Playbook: A YAML file with tasks for Ansible to execute.
  3. Inventory: A list of hosts managed by Ansible.
  4. Module: A script that performs tasks on remote hosts.
  5. Role: A set of reusable tasks and configurations.
  6. Task: An action executed on a remote host.
  7. Handler: A task triggered by other tasks, usually for services.
  8. Variable: A placeholder for values in playbooks.
  9. Template: A file that generates dynamic configurations.
  10. Fact: Information about managed hosts.
  11. Galaxy: A repository for sharing Ansible roles.
  12. Vault: A tool for encrypting sensitive data.
  13. Dynamic Inventory: An inventory generated on demand.
  14. Idempotency: Ensuring tasks have consistent results.
  15. SSH: The protocol for secure remote connections.
  16. ansible Command: Executes ad-hoc commands on hosts.
  17. ansible-playbook Command: Runs playbooks on hosts.
  18. ansible.cfg: Configuration file for Ansible settings.
  19. Become: Gaining elevated privileges for tasks.
  20. Callback Plugin: Adds extra behavior to Ansible runs.
  21. Retry File: Lists hosts where tasks failed.
  22. Gathering Facts: Collecting information about hosts.
  23. Ansible Tower/AWX: Web interface for managing Ansible.
  24. Check Mode: Simulates tasks without making changes.
  25. Notify: Triggers handlers from task results.
  26. Loop: Repeats a task multiple times.
  27. Conditionals: Runs tasks based on conditions.
  28. Filters: Functions to manipulate data
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