
SPARK001 – Job Execution Timeout (Query Took Too Long) in Databricks

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The SPARK001 – Job Execution Timeout error occurs in Databricks when a query or job takes too long to execute, exceeding the cluster’s configured timeout. This issue can result in job failures, incomplete results, and performance bottlenecks, particularly when dealing with large datasets, inefficient queries, or insufficient cluster resources.

🚨 Common symptoms of SPARK001 timeout errors:

  • Job fails with “SPARK001 – Job execution timeout” message.
  • Queries run indefinitely before failing.
  • High shuffle operations, memory spills, or task delays in the Spark UI.
  • Cluster reaches max capacity (CPU/memory overutilization).

This guide covers common causes, troubleshooting steps, and best practices to optimize Spark jobs in Databricks and avoid timeouts.

1. Identify the Root Cause Using the Spark UI

Before applying fixes, determine why the query took too long.

Check the Spark UI for Performance Bottlenecks:

  • Go to Databricks → Clusters → Spark UI → SQL Execution.
  • Look for long-running stages, shuffle-heavy operations, or memory spills.
  • Identify queries with high execution time and analyze DAG stages.

Check Databricks Logs for Query Execution Details:

dbutils.fs.head("dbfs:/cluster-logs/<cluster-id>/driver/log4j-active.log", 1000)

Monitor Cluster Metrics in Ganglia UI:

  • Identify high CPU/memory usage, excessive garbage collection, or node failures.

2. Fix Long-Running Queries by Optimizing Spark SQL Performance

Cause 1: Large Data Scans Without Filtering (Full Table Scans)


  • Queries scan millions or billions of records without filtering.
  • Spark UI shows high disk I/O and slow table reads.

Use Partition Pruning (WHERE and FILTER conditions) to Reduce Scan Size:

SELECT * FROM sales WHERE event_date >= '2024-01-01';

Enable Adaptive Query Execution (AQE) to Optimize Execution Plans:

spark.conf.set("spark.sql.adaptive.enabled", "true")

Cause 2: Slow Joins and Skewed Data in Queries


  • Queries with large joins take too long.
  • Spark UI shows high shuffle read/write times.

Use Broadcast Joins for Small Tables:

from pyspark.sql.functions import broadcast
df_large = df_large.join(broadcast(df_small), "id")

Enable Dynamic Partition Pruning for Joins:

spark.conf.set("spark.sql.optimizer.dynamicPartitionPruning.enabled", "true")

Cause 3: Excessive Shuffle Operations and High Network Overhead


  • Spark UI shows large shuffle read/write values.
  • High network traffic between worker nodes.

Reduce Shuffle Partitions to Avoid Excessive Shuffling:

spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "200")  # Default is 200, reduce if needed

Use Bucketing for Large Joins Instead of Default Hash Shuffle:


3. Fix Memory and Compute Resource Issues

Cause 4: Insufficient Memory Causing Frequent Disk Spills


  • Spark UI shows “Memory Spill” warnings in job execution.
  • Job is slower due to frequent disk writes instead of memory processing.

Increase Executor Memory in Cluster Configuration:

  "spark.executor.memory": "8g"

Use .cache() Only for Frequently Used DataFrames:

df.count()  # Materialize cache

Enable Unified Memory Management to Optimize Resource Usage:

  "spark.memory.fraction": "0.6",
  "spark.memory.storageFraction": "0.5"

Cause 5: Insufficient Cluster Resources (Underpowered Nodes)


  • Job execution is slow due to under-provisioned worker nodes.
  • High CPU and memory usage (cluster reaches max utilization).

Use Autoscaling to Automatically Adjust Cluster Resources:

  "autoscale": {
    "min_workers": 2,
    "max_workers": 10

Choose Higher-Performance VM Types:

  • Use General-Purpose VM Types (e.g., Standard_D16s_v3 on Azure).
  • On AWS, choose r5.xlarge (memory-optimized) or c5.xlarge (compute-optimized) instances.

4. Optimize Data Storage and File Formats

Cause 6: Reading Large JSON/CSV Files Instead of Optimized Formats


  • Queries on large CSV/JSON files take too long.
  • Spark UI shows high file read times.

Use Delta or Parquet Instead of CSV/JSON:


Enable Delta Caching for Faster Reads:

spark.conf.set("spark.databricks.io.cache.enabled", "true")

Cause 7: Too Many Small Files (File Fragmentation)


  • High metadata operation times in Spark UI.
  • Query execution slows down due to excessive file reads.

Run OPTIMIZE on Delta Tables to Compact Small Files:

OPTIMIZE delta.`/mnt/delta/sales/` ZORDER BY (customer_id);

Use coalesce() to Reduce the Number of Output Files:


5. Tune Execution Time Limits to Prevent Unnecessary Failures

Cause 8: Query Timeout Settings Are Too Low


  • Queries fail before completing, even when running efficiently.
  • Job execution time exceeds the default timeout settings.

Increase Query Execution Timeout in Cluster Settings:

  "spark.databricks.sql.execution.timeout": "3600"  # Extend timeout to 1 hour

Use Query Watchdog to Automatically Handle Long-Running Queries:

  "spark.databricks.queryWatchdog.maxQueryExecutionTime": "1800"  # 30 minutes max execution time

Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide

1. Identify Bottlenecks Using Spark UI

  • Check slow stages, high shuffle times, memory spills, and skewed data.

2. Optimize Queries and Reduce Scan Size

  • Apply partition pruning and indexing to avoid full table scans.

3. Tune Cluster and Resource Configurations

  • Increase executor memory and enable autoscaling for heavy workloads.

4. Optimize Data Formats and Reduce Metadata Overhead

  • Convert large CSV/JSON files to Parquet or Delta for faster queries.

5. Adjust Execution Time Limits If Necessary

  • Increase SQL execution timeout in Databricks settings.

Best Practices to Prevent SPARK001 Timeout Errors

Use Delta Tables Instead of CSV/JSON for Faster Query Execution.
Enable Adaptive Query Execution (AQE) to Optimize Execution Plans.
Use Autoscaling to Automatically Allocate Resources When Needed.
Avoid Overloading Queries With Too Many Joins or Full Table Scans.
Use OPTIMIZE and ZORDER for Large Delta Tables to Improve Read Performance.
Tune Query Execution Timeout Settings to Allow Longer Jobs to Run Without Failing.


The SPARK001 – Job Execution Timeout error occurs due to long-running queries, inefficient data processing, or resource limitations. By optimizing Spark queries, tuning cluster configurations, and adjusting timeout settings, you can prevent timeouts and improve overall job performance in Databricks.

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