PIP in Python (Part-16)

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What is PIP?

PIP is a package manager for Python. It allows you to install and manage additional libraries and dependencies that are not included in the standard Python library.

What is a Package?

A package in Python is a collection of modules. Modules are individual Python files that contain functions, classes, and variables. Packages are directories of Python modules that include an __init__.py file.

Checking if PIP is Installed and Installing It

To check if PIP is installed and to install it if it is not, follow these steps:

  1. Check if PIP is installed:
    • Open your command prompt or terminal.
    • Type the following command and press Enter:
    • If PIP is installed, you will see a version number.
pip --version

Installing PIP:

  • If PIP is not installed, you can install it by following these steps:
    • Download get-pip.py by using the following command:
curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py

Run the script to install PIP

python get-pip.py

Example Commands

  • Installing a package:
pip install package_name

Uninstalling a package:

pip uninstall package_name

Listing installed packages:

pip list

Example Code

Here’s an example of how to install and use a package in Python. Let’s install the requests package and use it to make an HTTP request.

  1. Install the package:
pip install requests

Use the package in Python:

import requests

response = requests.get('https://api.github.com')

Check if PIP is installed and install it

C:\Users\Your Name\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\Scripts>pip --version

If you do not have PIP installed, you can download and install it from this page: PIP Installation.

Download a Package Named “camelcase”

To download a package named “camelcase”, you can use the following command in the command line:

C:\Users\Your Name\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\Scripts>pip install camelcase

Using the “camelcase” Package

Once you have installed the package, you can use it in your Python script as follows:

import camelcase

c = camelcase.CamelCase()

txt = "hello world"


Find More Packages

You can find more packages at PyPI.

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