
Databricks Error: CLUSTER003 – Driver Node Unavailable (Possible Memory Crash)

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The CLUSTER003 – Driver node unavailable (possible memory crash) error in Databricks indicates that the driver node has run out of memory (OOM) or become unresponsive due to excessive resource usage. This can disrupt running jobs, cause cluster crashes, and lead to execution failures.

🚨 Common symptoms of CLUSTER003 errors:

  • Jobs fail unexpectedly due to the driver becoming unavailable.
  • Notebooks stop executing, and the Databricks UI shows a “Driver node unavailable” message.
  • Databricks cluster terminates unexpectedly after running for some time.
  • Memory-related errors appear in cluster logs (e.g., OutOfMemoryError, GC Overhead limit exceeded).

This guide explores causes, troubleshooting steps, and solutions to prevent driver memory crashes in Databricks.

1. Why Does the Driver Node Become Unavailable?

The driver node in a Databricks cluster coordinates execution and manages task scheduling, data collection, and user interactions.

🔴 Causes of Driver Node Failures:

  1. Out of Memory (OOM) Error – Too much data loaded onto the driver.
  2. Excessive Parallelism – Too many simultaneous tasks overwhelming the driver.
  3. Expensive Transformations – Unoptimized queries (e.g., large groupBy, join, collect()).
  4. Large Broadcast Joins – Excessive memory usage due to large dataset broadcasting.
  5. Long-running Jobs – Driver becomes unresponsive due to an overloaded JVM.
  6. Network or Storage Latency – Driver fails due to slow data retrieval from cloud storage.

2. Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide

Step 1: Check Driver Logs for Errors

📌 How to Check Driver Logs in Databricks:

  1. Go to Clusters → Select Your Cluster
  2. Click “Driver Logs”
  3. Look for OutOfMemoryError, task failures, or timeouts.

🔍 Common Log Errors and Their Meanings:

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap spaceDriver is out of memoryIncrease driver memory, optimize queries
GC overhead limit exceededGarbage collection issueReduce data in driver, adjust Spark settings
Lost connection to driverUnresponsive driverRestart cluster, reduce workload

Step 2: Increase Driver Memory Allocation

If your driver node is running out of memory, allocate more resources.

Increase driver memory in cluster settings:

  1. Go to Clusters → Edit Cluster → Advanced Options → Spark Config
  2. Add the following memory settings:
  "spark.driver.memory": "8g",
  "spark.driver.maxResultSize": "4g"
  1. Restart the cluster to apply changes.

Step 3: Avoid Using .collect() on Large Datasets

The .collect() function retrieves all data to the driver, causing OOM crashes.

Bad (Causes Memory Crash)

df = spark.read.parquet("s3://big-data-bucket/")
data = df.collect()  # 🚨 Loads all data to driver

Good (Keeps Data Distributed)

df.show(10)  # ✅ Displays only a small sample
df.write.format("delta").save("/mnt/delta/output")  # ✅ Saves data efficiently

Step 4: Reduce Parallelism to Prevent Driver Overload

Too many tasks running in parallel can overwhelm the driver.

Limit shuffle partitions to optimize task execution:

  "spark.default.parallelism": "100",
  "spark.sql.shuffle.partitions": "200"

Reduce unnecessary parallelism with .coalesce()

df = df.coalesce(10)  # ✅ Reduces memory usage

Step 5: Optimize Expensive Joins and Aggregations

Large groupBy, join, and broadcast operations increase driver memory usage.

Disable Auto-Broadcast for Large Joins:

  "spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold": "-1"

Use .broadcast() only for small datasets:

from pyspark.sql.functions import broadcast
df_small = broadcast(df_small)  # ✅ Broadcast small dataset only
df_large.join(df_small, "id")

Step 6: Enable Checkpointing for Long-Running Jobs

If jobs run for too long, the driver accumulates too much metadata.

Use checkpointing to free up memory periodically:

df = df.checkpoint()

Break long-running jobs into smaller steps.

Step 7: Monitor Cloud Storage Latency (S3, ADLS, GCS)

Slow storage reads cause timeouts, making the driver unresponsive.

Check storage connectivity:

ping s3.amazonaws.com
nc -zv storage-account.blob.core.windows.net 443

Use Caching to Reduce Storage Calls:

df.cache()  # ✅ Caches data in-memory

Optimize Delta Tables to Reduce Read Latency:

OPTIMIZE delta.`/mnt/delta/table/` ZORDER BY (customer_id);

3. Best Practices to Prevent Driver Crashes

Use Worker Nodes for Heavy Computation

  • Offload large processing tasks to worker nodes.
  • Use .foreachPartition() instead of driver-side computations.

Monitor Driver Memory Usage

  • Check Spark UI → Executors to monitor driver memory and CPU.

Reduce Shuffle and Parallelism Settings

  "spark.sql.shuffle.partitions": "200"

Enable Auto-Restart for Critical Workloads

  • Configure Databricks cluster auto-restart policies to recover from driver crashes.

4. Real-World Example: Fixing a Driver Crash in Databricks


A Databricks machine learning job processing 1TB of data kept failing with OutOfMemoryError in the driver node.

Root Cause:

  • The job collected all data to the driver using .collect().
  • The driver ran out of heap memory and crashed.


  1. Replaced .collect() with .show(10).
  2. Increased driver memory to 16GB (spark.driver.memory = "16g").
  3. Distributed computation across worker nodes instead of using the driver.

Result: Job executed successfully without crashing.

5. Conclusion

The CLUSTER003 – Driver node unavailable (memory crash) error occurs due to memory exhaustion, excessive parallelism, inefficient queries, or network latency. By optimizing memory usage, reducing driver-side processing, and enabling efficient Spark configurations, teams can prevent crashes and maintain stable Databricks workloads.

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