Here are 30 common error codes in Databricks, along with their possible causes and solutions:
1. DBFS001
– Databricks File System (DBFS) Access Denied
- Cause: Insufficient permissions to access DBFS.
- Solution: Check workspace permissions and adjust IAM roles.
2. DBFS002
– DBFS Mount Failure
- Cause: The underlying storage account is unavailable.
- Solution: Re-authenticate using
and verify credentials.
– Cluster Creation Failed
- Cause: Insufficient capacity or incorrect configuration.
- Solution: Try a different instance type or increase quota.
– Cluster Termination Error
- Cause: The cluster failed to shut down.
- Solution: Check logs and force terminate via Databricks UI.
– Driver Unavailable
- Cause: The driver node crashed due to memory exhaustion.
- Solution: Use a larger driver node or optimize memory usage.
– Worker Node Failure
- Cause: Worker nodes failed due to spot instance termination.
- Solution: Switch to on-demand instances.
7. SPARK001
– Job Execution Timeout
- Cause: The query took too long.
- Solution: Optimize the query using caching and partitioning.
8. SPARK002
– Out of Memory (OOM) Error
- Cause: Data processing exceeds available memory.
- Solution: Increase cluster memory or optimize partitions.
9. SPARK003
– Job Execution Failure
- Cause: A bad Spark job configuration.
- Solution: Check Spark logs for failed stages.
10. SPARK004
– Shuffle Read Failure
- Cause: Insufficient disk space for shuffle operations.
- Solution: Use a higher
11. SPARK005
– Too Many Open Files
- Cause: Too many connections or file handlers open.
- Solution: Adjust
settings or close unused connections.
12. SQL001
– SQL Query Syntax Error
- Cause: Incorrect SQL syntax.
- Solution: Review SQL syntax and fix any errors.
13. SQL002
– Query Execution Timeout
- Cause: Long-running queries exceeding Databricks SQL timeout.
- Solution: Optimize query logic and indexing.
14. SQL003
– Table Not Found
- Cause: The referenced table doesn’t exist.
- Solution: Check table name and database location.
15. SQL004
– Partition Key Missing
- Cause: Querying partitioned tables without specifying a key.
- Solution: Use
WHERE partition_column = 'value'
16. SQL005
– Delta Table Merge Conflict
- Cause: Two concurrent updates to the same Delta table.
- Solution: Enable Optimistic Concurrency Control in Delta Lake.
17. DELTA001
– Delta Table Corruption
- Cause: Inconsistent Delta transaction logs.
- Solution: Run
18. DELTA002
– Delta Table Version Mismatch
- Cause: Trying to write to an older Delta version.
- Solution: Upgrade your Delta format using
19. DELTA003
– Delta Lake Write Conflict
- Cause: Multiple processes trying to write to the same file.
- Solution: Enable ACID transactions.
20. PERM001
– Access Denied
- Cause: Insufficient permissions.
- Solution: Check IAM roles and Databricks workspace permissions.
21. PERM002
– Workspace Access Denied
- Cause: User lacks permission to access workspace.
- Solution: Grant appropriate permissions in Databricks Admin settings.
22. SCALA001
– Notebook Execution Failure
- Cause: Scala code has compilation errors.
- Solution: Check and fix syntax errors.
23. PYSPARK001
– Python Notebook Crash
- Cause: Python process ran out of memory.
- Solution: Increase the cluster size or optimize the script.
24. MLFLOW001
– MLflow Experiment Not Found
- Cause: MLflow experiment path is incorrect.
- Solution: Verify the MLflow experiment name.
25. MLFLOW002
– Model Deployment Failure
- Cause: Incompatible model format.
- Solution: Convert the model using MLflow’s export functions.
– Autoscaling Failure
- Cause: Insufficient available instances.
- Solution: Increase compute capacity or use static clusters.
27. INTEG001
– API Rate Limit Exceeded
- Cause: Too many API requests to Databricks REST API.
- Solution: Reduce API request frequency.
28. NETWORK001
– Connection Timeout
- Cause: Network issues between Databricks and storage.
- Solution: Check firewall settings and VNET peering.
29. S3001
– S3 Access Denied
- Cause: Incorrect IAM role or missing bucket policy.
- Solution: Validate S3 IAM role permissions.
30. ADB001
– Azure Databricks Resource Limit Exceeded
- Cause: Reached Azure Databricks workspace limits.
- Solution: Increase Azure resource quotas.
These Databricks error codes will help diagnose and fix issues related to clusters, Spark jobs, SQL queries, permissions, and Delta Lake transactions.